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 (By Request)


Join us on a special study field trip to Singapore and enhance your knowledge and certification. Building upon your previous Hands-on Technical Workshop in the Industrial Roadshow Cikarang, this trip offers a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience in machining, robotics, and receive direct knowledge transfer from industry experts in Singapore. Don't miss out on this fantastic chance to further develop your skills and expertise in these fields.

At SG Expert, we specialize in the provision and supply of highly skilled manpower to both domestic and foreign companies. We recognize that a factory represents a significant investment, and without a competent workforce equipped with the necessary knowledge, it cannot reach its full potential. We have received numerous requests to train manpower, recognizing the disparity between the current skill set and the level of empowerment required for factories to thrive and expand. If you require specialized training exclusively for your factory, we can tailor it to meet the specific technological needs. Contact us to discuss how we can customize the training to fit your requirements.

Request Now

Empowering and retaining factory manpower through overseas study field trips, particularly to places like Singapore where operational excellence is often showcased, can yield numerous benefits:

  1. Skill Enhancement: Experiencing firsthand how operations are managed in a different cultural and industrial context can broaden the skill set of the workforce. They can learn new techniques, technologies, and best practices that may not be prevalent in their home country.
  2. Knowledge Transfer: By interacting with professionals in Singaporean factories, employees can engage in knowledge exchange sessions. This transfer of knowledge can help in adopting innovative approaches, improving processes, and enhancing overall efficiency back home.
  3. Cultural Exposure: Exposure to different cultures and work environments fosters adaptability and open-mindedness among the workforce. This cultural diversity can lead to increased creativity and problem-solving abilities within the factory.
  4. Motivation and Engagement: Providing opportunities for overseas study field trips demonstrates the company's investment in its employees' growth and development. This fosters a sense of loyalty, motivation, and engagement among the workforce, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.
  5. Benchmarking: Visiting factories in Singapore allows employees to benchmark their own factory's performance against international standards. This comparison can identify areas for improvement and inspire innovative solutions to enhance competitiveness.
  6. Networking Opportunities: Employees can establish professional connections with industry experts and peers during overseas study trips. These connections can be valuable resources for seeking advice, collaboration, and future opportunities for the factory.
  7. Leadership Development: Participating in overseas study trips provides employees with opportunities for leadership development. They may take on roles such as project leaders or knowledge ambassadors, enhancing their leadership and communication skills in the process.
  8. Global Perspective: Exposure to international operations provides employees with a broader understanding of global markets, trends, and challenges. This global perspective can inform strategic decision-making within the factory and contribute to its long-term success.
  9. Employee Retention: Investing in employees' professional development and providing opportunities for international exposure increases their loyalty to the company. Employees are more likely to stay with an employer who values their growth and offers meaningful experiences.
  10. Enhanced Reputation: A factory that prioritizes employee development and international learning opportunities enhances its reputation as an employer of choice. This positive reputation can attract top talent and contribute to the company's overall success.

We have prepared a sample schedule for you, tailored to your specific topic and industry. However, please note that due to a peak period in Singapore for accommodation and transportation, there may be some slight adjustments needed for the hotel stay and airfare.

Day 1 (Sunday Activity
Day 1 Arrival in Singapore
Arrival in Singapore on SundayDay 1 Arrival in Singapore Sunday Free and Easy
Day 2 (Monday) Activity
Breakfast at Hotel
Pick up from Hotel to InstitutiontiontionPick up from Hotel to Institution
Learning begins
Learning continue
Q & A
Group Dinner
Day 3 (Tuesday) Activity
Breakfast at Hotel
Pick up from Hotel to InstitutiontiontionPick up from Hotel to Institution
Learning begins
Learning continue
Q & A
Group Dinner
Day 4 (Wednesday) Activity
Breakfast at Hotel
Pick up from Hotel to InstitutiontiontionPick up from Hotel to Institution
Learning begins
Learning continue
Q & A
Back to Hotel
Free & Easy
Day 5 ( Thursday) Activity
Breakfast at Hotel
Study Field Trip
Study Field Trip
Q & A
Group Dinner
Day 6 (Friday) Activity
Breakfast at Hotel
Study Field Trip
Study Field Trip
Q & A
Networking Dinner with invited guests
Day 7 ( Saturday) Activity
Breakfast at Hotel
Check Out
Free & Easy
Pick up at hotel to airport
Check in at airport and departure

Example of field trip activity

Bottle Dispensing System (BDS) A world’s first bottled medication dispensing system designed and developed for KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital in 2015. It helps improving productivity as well as reducing medication dispensing error.

Auto Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)A medication dispensing system designed and developed for Punggol Polyclinic in 2018. The system improves productivity and reduces medication dispensing error.

Food factory tour in Singapore ( Made in Singapore brand - Khong Guan, Yakult, Do Do and etc)


Tower Transit


Electronic Factory

Post Office

What's included?

All transportation during activity except free and easy time

5 lunches

3 Dinner + 1 Networking Dinner

Facility visits/ ticketing/ guide

Price of airfare and hotel accommodation may vary depending on the season or peak periods.


SUSS /Temasek Poly/ SG Poly / NTU

Investment Fees: SGD 5.5k - 6k per person

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