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This presents an unparalleled opportunity to study both Western and Eastern Europe simultaneously, particularly since both regions share a common ground: automotive manufacturing. Numerous Western European companies have established factories in Eastern Europe due to cost-saving reasons. Romania, known for its highly educated population, stands out as an excellent location for studying and gaining knowledge for expanding businesses. The Demo Mtal Brasov, the largest event of its kind in Brasov, brings together industry experts, technology providers, and users to explore the latest developments in laser processing, CNC processing, welding techniques, robotics, automation, and additive manufacturing. This is a must-attend event to network with Romania's industry leaders from manufacturing to construction, chemical, textile, and automotive sectors. Meanwhile, Electronica, a biennial event held in Munich, is the most sought-after and visited event for electronics and semiconductor enthusiasts. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

We have arranged this meeting to cover two different areas, and we are also here to assist you in finding individual meetings outside of the group. In doing so, we will help you achieve your business plan more effectively.

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About Demo Metal Brasov

About Electronica Munich

Day/ Time 10 Nov 2024 Activity
Arrival in Brasov Self Check in
Free & Easy
Day/ Time 11 Nov 2024 Activity
8:00am Briefing and Hotel Pick up
9am - 10:00 am Miele Factory
10:30 - 12 noon Sennheiser Factory
12 - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:30 -3:00 pm IAR Aerospace
3:30 - 6:00pm Business Workshop and Q&A
6:00 to 8:00pm Networking Dinner
Day/ Time 12 Nov 2024 Activity
9:00 am - 5:00 pm Briefing and Hotel Pick up
Free & Easy/ Conference
6:00pm - 8:00 pm Networking Dinner with Invited Guests
Day/ Time 13 Nov 2024 Activity
Transfer to Munich from Brasov Bus transfer to City and Shuttle Flight to Munich
Check in and Free& Easy

Day/ Time 14 Nov 2024 Activity
8:30 am Briefing and Pick up from Hotel to Hall
9:00am Check in Hall
9:00 am to 5:00pm Business Matching and Free & Easy
5:00 pm Pick up back to hotel
6:30pm to 8:00pm Group Discussion and Dinner
Day/ Time 15 Nov 2024 Activity
8:00 am Briefing and Pick up from Hotel to Hall
9:00am-11:00 am Facility visit BMW
11:30 am to 12:30pm Facility Visit Man Truck and Bus
1:00 pm to 2:00pm Lunch
2:30pm to 4:00pm Fraunhofer
4:30pm to 6:30pm Business Workshop
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Networking Dinner
Day/ Time 16 Nov 2024 Activity
Self check out and departure to airport

What is included?

At least 10 business matching and above

1 permanent ticket for 4 day show to Electronica/ Semicon Europe

3 Networking Dinner

1 Group Dinner

6 Facility visit (3 in Brasov, 3 in Munich)

2 Lunches

2 Business Workshop with Q&A (One in Brasov , One in Munich)

Hotel stay: 3 nights in Brasov and 3 more nights in Munich at 3 or 4-star hotel, based on peak season and availability for 20+ participants.

Provide transportation to and from hotel and venue.

Include : Transfer from Brasov to Munich

Investment : 6000 Euro per pax

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Travel across Europe and explore the ultimate business learning experience in manufacturing, automotive, electronics, semiconductors, CNC, machinery, robotics, and industrial technology - all in just 7 days from East to West Europe!

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